Thursday, June 2, 2011

Our X country 2011

Today we had fun doing our X country in the Redwoods.

"My favourite bit was when I came first." Hannah.

"I enjoyed it when I came last." Joshua.

"The best thing that I did was that I had a lot of fun." Talei.

" Crossing the finishing line was my best part." Cara.

"I really enjoyed taking part in the X country." Angus.

"It was awesome" Sophie.

"I liked it when I was coming down the gigantic hills." Manjot.

"My legs felt soft like gummy bears." Daniel P.

"I felt really happy when I crossed the finish line and came sixth." Jorja.

" I loved running across the bridges because I saw my Dad." Jean-Luc.

We have tried to use different sentence starters to make our writing more interesting.